Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Legal, Policies and Ethics

Imagine for a moment sitting in front of a potential employer. You're wearing your favorite outfit and feeling confident about your impressive resume that is sitting in front your interviewee. The first thing you are asked is not for your resume or job experience description, but rather for your login information to your social media networks. Would you do it?

This has been a growing concern in the media as of lately as to whether this is ethical of not. So where is the line drawn whether this is okay or not?

Ethical is one thing, legal is another this is what The Justice Department says "it’s a crime to access a social networking site if doing so violates its terms of service. Giving out your Facebook login does just that."

One person shared their feelings when they were asked to hand over their information. "Feeling that he had no choice -- your privacy or your livelihood? Really? -- Collins turned over his password, but in his words, 'I felt violated, I felt disrespected, I felt that my privacy was invaded. But not only my privacy, the privacy of my friends and that of my family that didn't as for that.'"

Policies are coming out now that ban companies from asking for information like above mentioned. If you have a voice, use it to protect yourself and incite change.


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