Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Every year we read about people who die in car accidents due to texting while driving. What is it about texting that lures so many into texting while driving? I don't know exactly, but I do know that I have to fight the urge to not text when I hear the "bllliinggg" sound on my phone while I am driving. I'm not going to talk about texting while driving, but I am going to talk about the advantages of texting and how it has enhanced our communication.

According to one website texting is a great source of record keeping. If one needs to go back through their texts to look up past conversations they can with the brush of a finger. This has been useful for various reasons including law suits and more.

Another reason that is less talked about and could save you the most money is that texting for most phone plans is less expensive than a phone call.

Convenience is the future and texting is one tool that helps enhance communication. When a phone call is unavailable or would be rude, a quick text can make all of the difference.

There are several new apps that are trying to catch a part of the communication market. Some have come and gone, others are still popping up seemingly daily.


1 comment:

  1. I like how you said, "convenience is the future." Apps, and most developing technologies are providing the convenience that most people are beginning to expect.
