Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Collaborative and Distance Communication Tools

How many of you use a land line for your main source of communication today? I don't know the statistics about this but I do know that a growing number of people that I know do not even have a land line these days. What is the reason for this growing trend of not having a land line? I don't think this one page write-up will be sufficient to even try to address this question, but I have a few ideas that I'll throw out here.
Skype is a relatively new service that has been continually upgrading its system to deliver a free service of communication. With a free account log-in, people can call others over the Internet and communicate with audio and video.
What does this mean? This means that instead of paying an arm and a leg for a pre-paid calling card or paying through the nose for a long distance call, you can click and talk for free!
Would you do it? Skype currently has 37.5 million users. 38 thousand new people sign up daily!
Now with the rise in smart phones people can have this application on there phone and then call others for free!
According to the Maryland State Bar Association Inc. Skype has trended upward with users due to the fact that is is easy to sign up and easy to use.
Who knows where communication channels are going for the future, but Skype seems to have a recipe that is attracting people all over.


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