Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Search Engine Optimization

Isn't it convenient to get online and within a few clicks of the mouse a person can find out how to do just about anything and learn about everything? One key ingredient to making this search so effective and efficient are hash tags and other methods of tagging.
What is tagging? Tagging occurs when anything is posted on the Internet it is given key words that are related to the message or content of the video or document. Then when someone types words into the search engine that are related, all information about the words that were typed in are then given to the searcher.
This is the basic idea behind tagging however why is it that certain information on the web is views so much more than other information that is very similar in content? There are good ways to tag and there are better ways.
Here are a few ideas of how businesses or individuals can optimize and increase the number of viewer and users of their sites.
According to one SEO expert here are 10 tips to help optimize your site:
1." Find the best key words
2. Discover what your competitors are doing
3. Write very linkable and sharable content.
4. Optimize your title and meta tags.
5. Optimize your heading and sub-headings
6. Use title and ALT attributes
7. Optimize file nomenclatures
8. Tell the search engine what to context.
9. Feed search engines static and XML site maps.
10. Use checklists and validators."
My personal favorite from these tips is the very first one and possibly the simplest, "find the Best key words." It is easy to hastily post something or upload something to the Internet, but if you can take the time to figure out the best key words then the number of visitors to your site will be drastically enhanced.
Perhaps the best advice I heard from doing a bit of research was found on the following website http://www.searchengineoptimizationtoronto.com/ It stated that it doesn't matter what tactics are used to assist your SEO there is no substitute for quality content.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Collaborative and Distance Communication Tools

How many of you use a land line for your main source of communication today? I don't know the statistics about this but I do know that a growing number of people that I know do not even have a land line these days. What is the reason for this growing trend of not having a land line? I don't think this one page write-up will be sufficient to even try to address this question, but I have a few ideas that I'll throw out here.
Skype is a relatively new service that has been continually upgrading its system to deliver a free service of communication. With a free account log-in, people can call others over the Internet and communicate with audio and video.
What does this mean? This means that instead of paying an arm and a leg for a pre-paid calling card or paying through the nose for a long distance call, you can click and talk for free!
Would you do it? Skype currently has 37.5 million users. 38 thousand new people sign up daily!
Now with the rise in smart phones people can have this application on there phone and then call others for free!
According to the Maryland State Bar Association Inc. Skype has trended upward with users due to the fact that is is easy to sign up and easy to use.
Who knows where communication channels are going for the future, but Skype seems to have a recipe that is attracting people all over.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Viral Videos

What is it about certain videos that cause thousands or millions of people to view them, comment on them and forward them to others? What cconstitutes a "viral video?"
According to an online article "What makes an online video 'viral?'" a video is counted as viral if it receives over seven million views in a three to seven day time period. This article points out that many people today throw the term "viral video" around loosely without properly understanding it.
Today some people seek to create and film viral videos hoping that they will strike an interest in the eyes of millions. Though many are filmed with hopes to become "viral" they never make it big. I think the best videos that become "viral" are filmed randomly or capture a unique phenomena or occurrence.
Anyone can look up the top "viral videos and see that most are not professionally filmed rather they are random and unique or ones that many people can relate to. People like things that they can relate to and "viral" videos tend to follow that trend.
According to videoproductiontips.com Dynamic Logic studied "viral"videos and developed an acronym for what makes videos "viral"
LEGS stands for Laugh, Edgy, Gripping, Sexual. The more components that a video contains helps the video go "viral." The above mentioned website also ads a few more categories: Unusual, real, something people can relate to, compelling, joy inducing. If you are seeking to film the next "viral" video then I would say go out and do fun things, hang around unique people and always have a means to film your experiences. Life is funny, just be yourself and capture those moments.
