Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Do you have a blog? If so what is so special about your blog verses the millions of others available on the Internet today? According to Business Insider, 150 thousand websites are added to the Internet daily and seven million new pages are added to the Internet daily. This may seem like a lot which it is, but don't become discouraged. Your blog and website can still stand out and provide a valid source of feedback for businesses and personal use.
Before Entrepreneurs spend loads of money on websites and start up costs for their business they can take advantage of free blogs and provide information to various publics and then receive valuable feedback to then help generate further ideas for their business development. Seems simple but less people than you may think take advantage of blogs and underestimate their power of influence.
Blogs provide a great way to showcase ones writing and other communication skills. It is sometimes difficult to showcase these things in an interview or meeting of sorts where as a blog is one click away of showing others your writing skills and or photo skills or other communication abilities.
According to The Society for New Communication Research, the leading group to utilize blogs are the nations top 200 charities with around 57 percent of them using blogs compared to 16 percent of the fortune 500 companies. This is interesting to note that the charities have a far greater usage of blogs. Though the fortune 500 companies most likely have the means to pay for any type of social media, they are not utilizing the free services available to all of the world.
Whether it be your own personal blog or a fortune 500 blog, there is power in the millions of blog pages around the world. You never know who might be reading and discussing the content on your blog.



  1. I found the statistics on the growth of the internet interesting, and I think you're right, there is value in advertising through a free blog.

  2. Touche David! That is impressive and a little unbelievable. Great statistics and well written, you are fabulous!
